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Hear the Band! 2021 MHS Tiger Band Spotlight

A great football game is played by the team, but a great football game experience to remember is created by the bands, spirit groups, and fans that make the stadium loud and proud on a Friday night. The Many High School Band puts in the work daily to make every game, home and away, a truly amazing experience for the fans while hyping up the team to help them achieve their win.

This season was one for the books for Many High School as they plowed through win after win to get to the dome. Each game was accompanied by the heart and soul of the Many High School Tigers, the boys and girls of the Many Tiger Band.

The Sabine Parish Journal is honored to have the chance to shine a spotlight on another aspect of the Friday Night Lights we all know and love. We had the chance to interview each and every member of the band to show the soul behind the season.

Every interview has been sponsored by the parents, families, friends, and fans of the Many Tiger Band along with the generous local businesses in Sabine Parish!

We are proud to introduce you to the 2021 Tiger Band (Round 3!)

Trent Springer – Saxophone

“Try it. Take the opportunity and seize it”

-T. Springer

Trent is a five year veteran of the Tiger Band currently in his junior year of high school. He loves that band has given him the opportunity to play music with other people and create lifelong friendships. Trent believes that band has taught him to work well with others while giving him the memories he will carry with him long after high school. His favorite memory with the band was their trip to dallas! 

1. What do you love about band?

“That I have the opportunity to play music with other people”

2. What does being in the band mean to you?

“To have fun with others”

3. Do you think your time in the band has helped you develop teamwork skills? How?

“Yes it has taught me to work well with others”

4. What is your favorite band memory?

“When we went to Dallas”

5. What do you love about the other members of the band as a whole? What do you love about the band director?

“I love that I became friends with the other members of the band and that our director is someone I can talk to”

6. What is the biggest thing being in band has taught you?

“That people do better as a team”

7. What is your advice to any younger kids who are scared to try being in the band?

“Try it. Take the opportunity and seize it”

8. What is your favorite quote about music or inspirational quote?

“This will be your finest hour” -Churchhill

Kadyn Dees – Tuba

“The band has taught me how to be a leader and how to take control”

-K. Dees

Kadyn is a Junior at Many High School currently in his sixth year on the Tiger Band. As a veteran Tuba player Kadyn has learned the importance of practice, persistence, and patience in all areas learning his instrument. As a junior, Kadyn often has the opportunity to help the underclassmen learn their new skills and he. believes this has helped him in turn by showing him how to be patient when teaching new learners. Kadyn loves the memories he has created with his friends on the band and says that his favorite memories came from his two best friends getting to be in band with him! 

1. What do you love about band?

“All of the major events like football games, concerts, marching contests, etc.”

2. What does being in the band mean to you?

“Having everyone means we’re a little family. Band means coming together and making music or getting better all together”

3. Do you think your time in the band has helped you develop teamwork skills? How?

“Band has definitely helped my teamwork skills. Helping each other and especially with the younger ones. You help and learn patience with trying to help the new learners”

4. What is your favorite band memory?

“Me and two other friends were all in band, and everyday was a memory with those two. Everyday was a smile and laughter”

5. What do you love about the other members of the band as a whole? What do you love about the band director?

“The other members are just great to be around, but know when to be serious and it’s great. And the band director is so patient and is more of someone you can talk to rather than just a teacher”

6. What is the biggest thing being in band has taught you?

“Being a leader and taking control”

7. What is your advice to any younger kids who are scared to try being in the band?

“Give everyone and everything time and you’ll love it”

8. What is your favorite quote about music or inspirational quote?

“I’ll show you how great I am”

Glenn Rainey

“I love that the band members always work together. Mr. Debose has helped us learn so much and keeps pushing us to always be better.”

-G. Rainey

Glenn is an eighth grader at Many Junior High and is currently in his second year of band. Though he is still relatively new to the Tiger Band, he is no stranger to the hard work and commitment that it takes to be a full time Tiger! He loves that the band is like a family and that he can make memories throughout his junior high and high school career. Glenn looks up to the other members of the band, but most of all he looks to their incredible director for guidance as he pushes them to constantly strive for the excellence they are capable of. 

1. What do you love about band?


2. What does being in the band mean to you?

“The feeling of family”

3. Do you think your time in band has helped you develop teamwork skills? How?

“Yes, we have to work together to be able to make the music good.”

4. What is your favorite band memory?

“Going to the state championship game last year.”

5. What do you love about the other members of the band as a whole? What do you love about the band director?

“The band members working together. Mr. Debose has helped us learn so much and keeps pushing us to always be better.”

6. What is the biggest thing being in band has taught you?

“Focus is important”

7. What is your advice to any younger kids who are scared to try being in the band?

“That it is a fun experience and you will gain a lot of good memories.”

8. What is your favorite quote about music or inspirational quote?

“Music changes the world”

Connor Lewing – Percussion

“I love that the members of the band are nice and Mr. DeBose is a good teacher”

-C. Lewing

Connor is dedicated fifth year member of the Tiger Band currently in his sophomore year of high school. He has worked hard to perfect his craft, and has appreciated the help both from his director, as well as from his fellow band members along the way. Connor says that being in the band has helped him to improve his social interactions and has taught him how to work with others well. He loves all the memories he’s made, but going to the dome twice definitely stands out in his mind! 

1. What do you love about band?

“The people”

2. What does being in the band mean to you?

“Playing Music”

3. Do you think your time in the band has helped you develop teamwork skills? How?

“Yes, I get along with people better now because of the teamwork I’ve learned in band”

4. What is your favorite band memory?

“My favorite memory is when we went to the dome”

5. What do you love about the other members of the band as a whole? What do you love about the band director?

“The members of the band are nice and Mr. DeBose is a good teacher”

6. What is the biggest thing being in band has taught you?

“Being in band taught me how to play music and how to do it well”

7. What is your advice to any younger kids who are scared to try being in the band?

“Do not be scared! It’s a lot of fun”

8. What is your favorite quote about music or inspirational quote?

The show must go on!”

Emily Hammontree – Color Guard

“Being in the band gives me the opportunity to be apart of something great. To have lasting friendships and make memories.”

-E. Hammontree

Emily is a first year member of the Tiger Band serving as part of the color guard line. As a seventh grader at Many Junior High, Emily has learned at a young age the importance of hard work, determination, and responsibility. She believes these skills will help her in every area of her life, not just the band. Emily’s favorite part of being in the band is the incredibly rewarding feeling she gets when she is able to learn new music and perfect a new piece. 

1. What do you love about band? 
“How great it feels when you learn new music.”
2. What does being in the band mean to you? 
“Being in the band gives me the opportunity to be apart of something great. To have lasting friendships and make memories.”
3. Do you think your time in band has helped you develop teamwork skills? How? 
“Yes because you have to work together to perform good music.”
4. What is your favorite band memory? (It can be a funny or serious memory!) 
“When we did the NSU marching contest and went to the top of the stadium together and could see all of Natchitoches.”
5. What do you love about the other members of the band as a whole? What do you love about the band director? 
“They are nice and sometimes funny. He is encouraging and works hard to make sure we do our best.”
6. What is the biggest thing being in band has taught you? 
“Band has taught me hard work, determination, and responsibility.”
7. What is your advice to any younger kids who are scared to try being in the band? 
“It will be hard at times but it’s also rewarding.”
8. What is your favorite quote about music or inspirational quote? 
“Amateurs work until they get it right. Professionals work until they can’t get it wrong.”

Makenna Mallard – Clarinet

“Even if you mess up, just keep trying”

-M. Mallard

Makenna is another new addition to the Tiger Band currently in her first year as a marching Tiger! The part of band that she loves the most goes back to the basics of playing music and learning new songs. She has learned to work together with the band as a whole to create one sound that has been perfected by each member. Makenna wants to encourage younger kids who may be scared to dive in and try band. She says that even when a band member messes up, they are encouraged to just keep trying and that is a skill that all ages can benefit from. 

1. What do you love about band? 
“Playing music”
2. What does being in the band mean to you? 
“It means doing something I love with my band family”
3. Do you think your time in band has helped you develop teamwork skills? How? 
Yes, by helping one another and working together”
4. What is your favorite band memory? (It can be a funny or serious memory!) 
“The Bucket Halftime Show is my favorite memory.”
5. What do you love about the other members of the band as a whole? What do you love about the band director? 
“I love that we support one another. I like when he speaks angry band director, it’s funny”
6. What is the biggest thing being in band has taught you? 
“Band has taught me teamwork”
7. What is your advice to any younger kids who are scared to try being in the band? 
“Even if you mess up, just keep trying”
8. What is your favorite quote about music or inspirational quote? 
“”If at first you don’t succeed, try again.”

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